Turning Reflection into Insight: Embracing Phase 4 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology
Now is the time to wrap up our journey as we breakdown Phase 4: Reflect on Results.
Igniting Evolution in Practice: Unpacking Phase 3 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology
Now it is time to delve in to Phase 3: Evolve Your Practice.
Honing the Art of Self-Assessment: Delving into Phase 2 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology
Continue the journey as we delve into Phase 2: Understand Your Needs.
Building Strong Foundations for Growth: Exploring Phase 1 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology
Let’s explore Phase 1: Develop the Foundation
Nurturing Evolutionary Changes in Teaching Practices: The My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology
Let’s take a journey through the four phases of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology.
Addressing Teachers' Top Complaints with Professional Development
Summer is upon us, and for some this is time used to catch up on professional development. In this week’s post we are looking at how My Teacher PD addresses teachers’ top complaints about traditional professional development.