Nurturing Evolutionary Changes in Teaching Practices: The My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology

 In an ever-evolving educational landscape, we as educators need to continuously learn, adapt, and refine our methods to ensure optimal student outcomes. My Teacher PD places personalized learning at the forefront, recognizing that for learning to be impactful, it must be tailored to the individual's needs. This principle holds for both students in the classroom and teacher-learners undergoing professional development.

At My Teacher PD, we've devised a unique course design methodology that puts the needs, goals, and experiences of teachers at its core. We proudly present the "Personalized Learning Design for Making Evolutionary Changes to Instructional Practice" methodology that underpins our Extended Courses, Learning Library, and Collaborative Learning Framework in PLC Pathways.

Let’s take a look at each step in the process through the lens of a Learning Library participant.  

Phase 1: Develop the Foundation

Every journey begins with a first step, and ours is no different. In this initial phase, we build a shared understanding of the topic at hand and its relevance to the current educational environment. By asking 'what is it' and 'why should I do it,' we all work to gain a firm grasp of the topic, setting the stage for the exploration and evolutions to come.

 Phase 2: Understand Your Needs

 Equipped with a fundamental understanding of the topic, we  now turn our attention inwards. Through self-assessment, we evaluate our current practices related to the topic and set achievable goals based on our results. Here, we confront the questions 'what am I doing now' and 'what do I want to change,' allowing us to identify areas for development and goals for our ideal teaching practices.

Phase 3: Evolve Your Practice

With clear goals in mind, we are now ready to make informed changes. This phase introduces a wide range of innovative strategies, practical ideas, and tools tailored to help us evolve our practice and meet our goals.. As we apply these new strategies within our classrooms, we can monitor our progress towards our goals, addressing the critical question: 'what new strategies can I put in place to achieve my goals?'

 Phase 4: Reflect on Results

Evolutionary change is not a destination but a journey. As we implement new methodologies, it's vital to reflect upon and assess these changes. In this final phase we are encouraged to critically evaluate the impact of the implemented strategies on our teaching and our students' learning. We will explore 'how did my lesson change,' 'how did my instruction change,' and 'how did my students' learning change,' to help us assess the success of our evolved practice.

As you now reflect on the learning journey, let me just end with summarizing the high points. The My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology recognizes and celebrates the individuality of each teacher, tailoring the learning experience to suit their unique goals and needs. With each phase, teachers make progressive strides towards their goals, driving evolutionary changes in their instructional practice. This personalized, reflective journey ensures that every teacher can derive tangible benefits, ultimately enhancing their students' learning experiences.

Come join us on this amazing journey of evolutionary change today!


Building Strong Foundations for Growth: Exploring Phase 1 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology


Dear Teachers