Building Strong Foundations for Growth: Exploring Phase 1 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology

As educators, we acknowledge the importance of a robust foundation for our students. The same principle applies to us, teachers, as we embark on our professional development journey. In the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology, we start with Phase 1: Develop the Foundation. This phase plays an essential role in equipping teachers with the necessary groundwork to thrive and evolve in their practice.

 The Importance of Developing the Foundation

A house built on sand will inevitably crumble. Similarly, without a firm foundation, our attempts to develop and grow professionally may falter. Phase 1 of our methodology focuses on building this foundational understanding around the topic of study, giving us a sturdy base on which to construct our knowledge and refine our teaching practices to provide meaningful learning opportunities for all of our students.

This stage allows us to become familiar with the topic, its related terminologies, and its broader context within the educational landscape. It also ensures that we, regardless of our prior knowledge or experience with the topic, begin on equal footing. By the end of this phase, we are able to clearly articulate 'what is it' and 'why should I do it'.

Discovering the 'Why'

Understanding 'why' we should adopt a new concept, tool, or methodology is as important as knowing 'what' it is. A strong 'why' can inspire, motivate, and drive us to explore new horizons in our teaching practices. It helps us connect the topic with our daily teaching activities, view its practical implications, and see its potential impact on our students' learning outcomes.

 At My Teacher PD, we use a range of techniques and tools to help develop a solid foundation:

  • Resources: We provide a variety of resources, including articles, research papers, and videos, that provide in-depth information about the topic.

  • Reflective Activities: Throughout the course we provide activities where educators can share their thoughts, ideas, and initial perceptions about the topic.

  • Expert Inputs: We present information from subject matter experts to introduce the topic and provide insights into its relevance in today's educational scenario.

Phase 1, although it's just the beginning of our learning journey, plays a pivotal role in shaping the path ahead. A well-developed foundation paves the way for self-reflection, goal setting, and the adoption of new strategies - the critical steps of our subsequent phases. At My Teacher PD, we firmly believe in the power of strong beginnings and strive to ensure that you step forward on your professional development path with confidence and clarity.

Come join our learning community to experience our learning methodology. You will never see professional development the same way again!


Honing the Art of Self-Assessment: Delving into Phase 2 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology


Nurturing Evolutionary Changes in Teaching Practices: The My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology