Igniting Evolution in Practice: Unpacking Phase 3 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology

When embarking on a journey of professional development, understanding our current practices and setting goals is crucial. But, translating these insights into actionable steps and tangible evolutionary changes is what truly ignites growth. This transformative leap forms the crux of Phase 3: Evolve Your Practice, in the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology.

The Essence of Evolving Your Practice

Equipped with a solid understanding of our teaching needs and armed with clearly defined goals from Phase 2, we move on to Phase 3 - the stage of evolution. Here, we are introduced to an array of new strategies, ideas, and tools that will help us evolve our instructional practices to align with our goals. 

During this phase, we will answer the pivotal question: 'What new strategies can I put in place to achieve my goals?' This process involves a dynamic interplay of learning, experimenting, implementing, and revising until we see a shift towards our envisioned teaching approach.

The Journey from Theory to Practice

Evolving practice is not just about acquiring knowledge of new strategies; it's about bringing this knowledge to life in our classrooms. It's about trial and error, learning from failures, and celebrating small victories. It's about taking theoretical knowledge, applying it, tweaking it, and making it our own until it becomes an integral part of our teaching toolkit.

Tools for Evolving Your Practice

At My Teacher PD, we believe in supporting educators every step of the way. For Phase 3, we offer a plethora of resources and tools to help facilitate the evolution of practice:

Multiple Resources: We offer a variety of strategies, techniques, and tools that teachers can explore and choose from based on their specific goals.

Practical Application Activities: We provide practical application activities that allow teachers to experiment with their chosen strategy, allowing teachers to visualize and experience their implementation in a real-world context.

Critical Reflection Activities: Throughout this phase teachers will have the opportunity to be guided through a critical reflection process to determine what strategies they want to try based on the student outcomes that they wish to achieve. 

Expert Support: Our team of experts is always ready to provide guidance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the process of change.


Phase 3 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology signifies a turning point in our professional development journey.  It's the stage where self-awareness and aspiration translate into action, bringing about meaningful changes in our teaching practices.Through continuous learning, experimentation, and iteration, we empower ourselves to evolve our practices and step closer to our envisioned goals.

Next up, we will conclude our journey as we explore the fourth and final phase of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology. 


Turning Reflection into Insight: Embracing Phase 4 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology


Honing the Art of Self-Assessment: Delving into Phase 2 of the My Teacher PD Learning Design Methodology