Personalized Collaborative Learning
Engaging in collaborative, community-based professional learning should benefit not only the community but each individual on a personal level as well.
The My Teacher PD PLC Pathways allows teams of teachers to work together in a professional, collaborative learning community that balances the focus on the success on the individual with the success of the collective.
Each collaborative learning team works through one topic specific learning pathway that is interwoven with individual and team learning events. All of the learning takes place online over 6-8 weeks for a total of 24 hours of professional learning.
About PLC Pathways
Multiple Learning Pathways allowing for alignment to the individual.
Centers on critical reflection
Designed to strengthen both individual and collective teamwork
Offered as individual virtual learning events and through site-based licenses
Individual virtual learning events are scheduled and open to educators worldwide
Site-based licences provide access to the complete catalog of learning pathways allowing for multiple learning pathways to take place in one location.
Learning Along a Purposeful Pathway
Each of the PLC Pathways utilizes the My Teacher PD Collaborative Learning Framework that was designed using current research and best practices of successful PLCs and successful personalized professional learning for educators.
"I would recommend this course to a colleague because it had useful resources and explained how to incorporate the course content into the classroom. There was some background theory but the course explained how to incorporate what is learned into your own classroom in a way that it can be easily executed. Some other courses give mostly theory and you are left with a big question on how do I begin to incorporate this into my classroom and it never gets done." ~ K-5 Research Participant
Learning Options
Individual Learning Options
The My Teacher PD PLC Pathways are currently being offering through site-based and virtual options. Through the Site-Based Option teachers form PLC’s within their school/district and work together to complete a PLC Pathway. If choosing the Virtual Option, individuals sign-up to be a part of a larger global community that completes a specific PLC Pathway during a specific timeframe.
Site-Based Learning Options
Schools and teams can subscribe to the full catalog of Site-Based PLC Pathways at a low cost per teacher. Each subscription comes with full access to all PLC Pathway courses, comprehensive PLC Pathways Leadership Success companion tools, registration to virtual discussions with industry experts, and more.