Module Overview

As we get started down the road of purposeful technology integration we will read about the foundations of technology integration including the intended benefits for students and challenges faced by classroom teachers. We will then explore how technology can be used to provide instruction and resources in multiple languages, to provide students with a wider variety of resources and access to viewpoints than may be found within the brick and mortar walls of the classrooms thus setting the stage for more in-depth work later on in the course for how to use those resources as part of innovative learning opportunities. Within this section the discussion will also be had regarding the challenge of equitable access to technology and how schools can work to continue to close the gap so that all students can benefit.

Throughout this module you will be asked to examine a series of lessons and your current classroom practices and reflect on your current technology integration practices. As you answer the reflection questions, you will determine if your current practices are administrative, supportive, or innovative. You will analyze your responses to look for underlying reasons for why your practices may fall in one category (e.g. – is it a personal choice based on an underlying belief, an access issue, etc.) Based on what you have learned thus far, you will reflect on the impact that your practices have had on students and student opportunities for experiencing the benefits of learning through technology. Based on your results, you will begin to craft informal goals for making changes to your technology integration practices. In the last section of this module, you will be introduced to the SAMR model for technology integration. This model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) will be used to introduce practices and strategies throughout the course.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Define effective technology integration and explain the students benefits of the purposeful integration of technology into learning.

  • Explain the equitable benefits of technology and begin to identify solutions for challenges that arise from inequitable access to technology.

  • Support their goals and plans for the purposeful integration of technology with standards and research.

  • Create goals and plans for the purposeful integration of technology within their own instructional practice.

Application to Instruction and Student Learning

Participants will set goals and create a plan for the purposeful integration of technology that is both personalized towards their students and moves their practices towards innovative uses of technology integration allowing for more rigorous and equitable teaching and learning to take place within their lessons.


Redefining Student Learning Through the Purposeful Integration of Technology