Module Overview

Engaging in learning through exploration provides students with a unique and challenging opportunity to engage with content in a way that is both meaningful, and that allows for meaning to be made at a deeper level. It allows students to “leverage their own curiosity and passion to solve complex problems using data and evidence to form arguments and reach conclusions. This model is positioned to deliver high levels of engagement and concentration while reducing stress and boredom for all students” (McGrath, 2015). Throughout this course participants will engage with learning that will support them in  understanding the role of exploration in student learning, providing opportunities for exploration through student led projects, providing opportunities for exploration through personalization of learning, exploring strategies for integrating projects and personalization into whole class instruction, and identifying strengths and challenges in their own classroom practices as related to exploration.

Learning Objectives

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to define and explain strategies for providing students with opportunities with learning through exploration such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and personalized learning.

  • Objective 2: Participants will be able to examine and evaluate their own instructional practices to determine how personal knowledge and beliefs regarding allowing students to learn through exploration have driven practices in the past, the impact of those practices on student learning, and make determinations on what practices they want to put in place to make changes regarding allowing students to learn through exploration in the future.

  • Objective 3: Participants will be able to evaluate lessons for opportunities for allowing students to learn through exploration.

  • Objective 4: Participants will be able to design, develop, and implement lessons that increase student engagement through exploration.

Impact on Classroom Practice and Student Learning

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to provide students with engaging learning opportunities through exploration that allow students more input and ownership of their learning. 


Engaging Students Through Collaboration


Engaging Students Through Relevant Contexts