Module Overview

Questioning is an art that takes intentional practice and attention to perfect. In this module participants examine methods for using questioning to help students learn both in large and small group learning situations. Here participants will specifically look at:

  • the purpose of learning questions;

  • making questions purposeful;

  • creating questions around content and practice;

  • encouraging student questions;

  • empowering students to ask critical questions about what they are learning; and

  • how we are using questions in the classroom.

Participants will learn to design, develop, and implement effective questions for a variety of learning situations. Participants will also learn how to engage students in questioning activities that deepen students' understanding of the content.

Learning Objectives

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to develop effective questions for a variety of learning situations.

  • Objective 2: Participants will be able to implement effective questioning strategies for a variety of learning situations.

  • Objective 3: Participants will be able to engage students in questioning activities that deepen students' understanding of the content.

  • Objective 4: Participants will be able to step back and empower students to ask questions about what they are learning.

Impact on Classroom Practice and Student Learning

Students will be able to engage in both large group and small group discussions through the use of purposeful questioning techniques. Teachers will also be able to employ techniques that will allow them to support students in developing their own questioning skills so that students are able to ask deeper and purposeful questions about their own learning, ideas, and those of others.


Designing Problem Solving Lessons