Module Overview

In this module, we will examine Polya’s 4 Step problem solving process by exploring an overview of the process, conducting a video observation to see student problem-solvers working during a lesson, and discussing initial thoughts on how this process may be used within classrooms.

In Step 1 of Polya’s process we will explore ways in which to support all students in understanding the problem, methods for supporting English Language Learners and students with disabilities during this step, explore prompts to use to during instruction, and reflect on current practice and identify changes that may need to be made in order to better help students Understand the Problem.

In Step 2 of Polya’s process we will explore ways in which to support all students in devising a plan, methods for supporting English Language Learners and students with disabilities during this step, explore prompts to use during instruction, and reflect on current practice and identify changes that may need to be made in order to better help students Devise a Plan.

In Step 3 of Polya’s process we will explore ways in which to support all students in carrying out the plan, methods for supporting English Language Learners and students with disabilities during this step, explore prompts to use during instruction, and reflect on current practice and identify changes that may need to be made in order to better help students Carry Out the Plan.

Finally, in Step 4 of Polya’s we will explore ways in which to support all students in looking back, methods for supporting English Language Learners and students with disabilities during this step, explore prompts to use during instruction, and reflect on current practice and identify changes that may need to be made in order to better help students Look Back.

Learning Objectives

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to describe each step in Polya’s problem solving process.

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to reflect on how their current instructional methods align with Polya’s process.

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to explore methods of instruction aligned to each step of Polya’s problem solving process that will provide specific support for English Language Learners and students with disabilities that will enable equitable access to mathematics and the problem-solving learning experience.

  • Objective 1: Participants will be able to create prompts for math problems that can be used to support students in working through Polya’s problem solving process.

Impact on Classroom Practice and Student Learning

By the end of this course, participants will be able to use instructional strategies designed to support mathematical problem solving; and provide students with appropriate tasks and prompts for deepening problem solving.


Designing Problem Solving Lessons


Skill Centered vs. Problem Centered Approach to Teaching Mathematics