Personalized Learning for Teachers

My Teacher PD is focused on providing professional learning that builds on the strengths of the individual teacher.

Through the application of our research-based design principles, our careful application of learning theory, and extensive input from current classroom teachers on how they want to learn, we have created a complete library of professional learning opportunities. 

"I like how there was a lot of reflection because it made me think about what techniques I have used in my class, what works, what doesn't work, etc. In this way, it helped me to identify some of the areas that I needed to improve on. Prior to this, I knew I needed to improve in places but was not exactly sure where. This helped me to better identify where adjustments needed to be made." ~K-5 Participant

Unlimited access to the full Learning Library of focused Micro-Learning Modules for only $19 per month.

The Learning Library allows you to personalize your professional learning by choosing the topic, the number of hours, and activities to complete that meet your goals. Learn more about the benefits of the My Teacher PD Learning Library.

Learning Library

"I found that I was able to grow as a teacher based on the assignments given." ~K-5 Teacher


PLC Pathways

Engaging in collaborative, community-based professional learning should benefit not only the community but each individual on a personal level as well.

My Teacher PD has designed a Collaborative Learning Framework that provides the scaffolding for all of the PLC Pathway program courses. Our Collaborative Learning Framework is built from current research and best practices of successful PLCs and successful personalized professional learning for educators. The My Teacher PD PLC Pathways are currently being offering through both site-based and virtual options.

"I had to step outside of my comfort zone sometimes and greatly benefited from it." ~K-5 Teacher